The 18th RAMP Symposium
October 12-13, 2006
Kyoto University, Clock Tower Centennial Hall

Instruction for speakers

1. Manuscript

A manuscript must be written in Japanese or English and should be prepared using LaTeX processing systems or Microsoft Word, basic font 12pt size. In general, manuscripts should not exceed 15 pages and should not have page numbers.

2. Deadline for Submission

Deadline for manuscripts submission is August 11th, 2006. Please submit your manuscript in either doc file (MS-Word), Device Independent (dvi) file or Portable Document File (pdf) via e-mail to 233x17(401bytes). Pdf file is preferred. Style files are available in LaTeX (Preferred) and MS-Word, and can be obtained from the below.

Style file Sample (PDF)
Style file in LaTeX
Style file in MS-Word (Windows)
Style file in MS-Word (Macintosh)
*"Adobe Reader" is needed in order to display PDF file.

3. Title Page

Title page should have the following information:

  1. Title of the manuscript;
  2. Author(s), affiliation(s) and e-mail address;
  3. Abstract (no more than 200 words);
  4. Keywords.

4. Formulae

Formulae referred to in the manuscript should be displayed on a separate line and numbered consecutively throughout such as (1) or (1.1) on the right.

5. Figures (Tables)

Figures (Tables) should be numbered consecutively, have self-explanatory captions(titles), and be inserted in the text.

6. References

References must be listed alphabetically, and numbered numerically. In the text they should be referred to by bracketed numbers. Journal names should be written in full. For a paper in a contributed volume, a journal paper and a book, see References [1], [2], [3] in the style file.

7 Copyright

The Operations Research Society of Japan holds the copyright for all materials published in the Proceedings of the 18th RAMP Symposium.

8 Preferred Font

If you use Microsoft Word with Windows, you are preferred to use the following fonts:
Century, Symbol, MS-Mincho (Japanese).

If you use Microsoft Word with Macintosh, you are preferred to use the following fonts:
Times, Symbol, Heisei-Mincho (Japanese).
