A Local Search Approach for One Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem

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  1. Slide 1 A Local Search Approach for One Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem
  2. Slide 2 1D-Cutting Stock Problem (1D-CSP)
  3. Slide 3 The number of cutting patterns is important
  4. Slide 4 Formulation of 1D-CSP
  5. Slide 5 Algorithm for 1D-CSP
  6. Slide 6 Construction of an initial solution
  7. Slide 7 Calculation of frequencies
  8. Slide 8 Neighborhood
  9. Slide 9 List of candidate patterns
  10. Slide 10 Cutting patterns with small deviations
  11. Slide 11 Rounding to an integer cutting pattern
  12. Slide 12 Computational experiments
  13. Slide 13 Summary

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