研究成果 > 修士論文(2000年度以降)
黒須 諒,
Construction of Optimal Decision Trees with Hyperplane Based Branching
by Mixed Integer Linear Programming
多田 拓生,
A Linear Delay Algorithm in SD Set System and Its Application to
Subgraph Enumeration
井戸 亮太,
Isomer generation based on frequency vectors by dynamic programming and
its compact representation
(動的計画法による頻度 ベクトルに基づく異性体生成とそのコンパクトな表現)
丸山 玲,
A Generalized Greedy Algorithm for Vertex Cover Problem
Acquired by Reinforcement Learning with Graph Theoretic Feature Functions
(グラフ理論的特徴関数に基づく強化学習によって獲得された頂点被覆問題 に対する一般化貪欲法)
渡邊 大貴,
Enumerating Closed Components in Various Set Systems
曹 聖涓,
Inferring Polymers Based on Linear Regression and Integer Programming
田中 洸希,
A Method for Inferring Chemical Compounds
Based on Decision Tree and Integer Programming
仲西 直也,
A Reinforcement Learning Based Local Search for the Maximum
Weighted Independent Set Problem
賀 正午,
A Reinforcement Learning Based Local Search for the Maximum
k-plex Problem
朱 見深,
An Integer Linear Programming Formulation
for Inferring Chemical Compounds Using a Characterization of Fringe Trees
- 孫 雁鳴, A New Algorithm for Generating Acyclic Chemical Graphs Based on Frequency Vectors
- 張 帆, An Integer Linear Programming Formulation for Inferring Acyclic Chemical Compounds Using Skeleton Trees
- 施 雨,
A Model for Inferring Chemical Compounds Using Frequency of Fringe-trees
- 兰 心湖,
A Routing Problem in Warehouse Graphs (倉庫グラフにおける経路問題に関する研究)
- Rachaya Chiewvanichakorn,
A Novel Method for Inferring Acyclic CHemical Graphs Based on Artificial
Neural Networks and Integer Programming
- Chenxi Wang,
Enumeration of Rank 2 Mono-block Chemical Graphs with Given Path Frequiencies
- 松原 佑樹,
A Study on an Embedded Power Cable Routing Problem
- 瀬戸 明嶺,
A Truck Scheduling Problem with Boomerang Drone Delivery
- 周 翔, A DAG Representation to Zero-Suppressed Binary Decision Diagrams (零抑制二分決定図に対する非閉路的有向グラフ表現)
- 福井 悠平, Group Strategy-Proof Mechanisms for Shuttle Facility Game (シャトル型施設配置ゲームに対する結託戦略耐性メカニズム)
- 張 哲, An Integer Programming Formulation to Control of Boolean Networks (ブーリアンネットワーク制御問題に対する整数計画法の定式化)
- 増井 隆治, Enumeration of Unlabeled Tree by Dynamic Programming (動的計画法に基づくラベルなし木の列挙)
- 宋 玥, New Algorithms for the 2-Layer Crossing Minimization Problem (2層交差最小化問題に対する新しいアルゴリズム)
- 中川 宏紀, Enumerating Chemical Graphs with New Upper and
Lower Bounds Constraints on Path Frequencies (新たなパス頻度の上下限制約を満たす化学グラフの列挙)
- 何飛, Enumerating Non-isomorphic Colorings on Graphs from Coloring Patterns (彩色パターンを用いたグラフの非同型彩色の列挙)
- 田村有為, Enumerating Chemical Mono-Block 3-Augmented Trees with Two Junctions (二つの接合点を有する単一ブロック3-増大木化学グラ)
- 須藤浩明, A Study on the Stable Roommates Problem with Incomplete Preference Orders (不完全な選好順序をもつ安定ルームメイト問題に関する研究)
- 相孝佳, On the Number of Edges in 5-Planar Graphs (5-平面グラフの枝数について)
- 西山祐平, Resource Cut, a New Bounding Procedure to Algorithms for Enumerating Tree-like Chemical Graphs (木状化学グラフ列挙アルゴリズムにおける新しい限定操作リソースカットの導入)
- 行本裕, A Bounding Procedure for Solving Traveling Salesman Problem in Degree-3 Graphs (3正則グラフに対する巡回セールスマン問題の限定手続き)
- 岩出健, Exact Algorithms for Minimum Edge Dominating Set and Lowest Edge Dominating Set (最小枝支配集合と下限枝支配集合に対する厳密アルゴリズム)
- 松田浩史, Fixed-parameter Tractability of Almost Binary Boolean Constraint Satisfaction Problem (2値2変数制約充足式に対する制約削除問題の固定パラメータ容易性)
- 山下恭佑, Enumerating Chemical 3-Augmented Trees with Two Cyclic Components (二つの閉路成分を持つ3-増大木化学グラフの列挙法)
- 川口裕平, Implementation of an Exact Algorithm for Maximum Independent Set Problem in Degree-3 Graphs (3-正則グラフにおける最大独立集合問題に対する厳密アルゴリズムの実装)
- 大峯守人, Group Strategy-Proof Mechanisms Parameterized by Threshold on Benefit Increase in Line Metric Obnoxious Facility Game (直線空間上の忌避型施設配置ゲームに対する利得増加についての閾値パラメータ付き戦略耐性メカニズム)
- 李慧, Enumerating Benzene Isomers of Tree-like Chemical Graphs (木状化学グラフに対するベンゼン環異性体の列挙)
- 門脇拓史, A Study on Independent Distance Dominating Sets in Large-scale Graphs (大規模グラフにおける距離つき独立枝支配集合に関する研究)
- 井原謙, Mechanism Design for Obnoxious Facility Game in the Circle Metric (忌避型設配置ゲームにおける戦略耐性メカニズムの特徴付け)
- 池田昌昂, Design of Exact Algorithms for Pathwidth of Graphs (グラフのパス幅に対する厳密アルゴリズムの設計)
- 浅野宏行, A Shortest Path Algorithm with Preprocessing for Complex Networks (複雑ネットワークに対する前処理付き最短路アルゴリズムについて)
- 張聡, Algorithms for the Next-to-Shortest Path in Undirected Graphs with Nonnegative Weights (非負の枝重みを持つ無向グラフにおいて二番目に短いパスを求めるアルゴリズム)
- 廣末典朗, An Application of Multi-Sphere Scheme to Robot Path Planning with 3D-motion (3次元運動ロボット経路計画問題に対する多球近似充填スキームの応用)
- 鈴木正喜, An Enumeration Algorithm for Chemical Graphs of Monocyclic Structure Given Upper and Lower Bounds on Path Frequency (上下限付きパス頻度用いた環構造を一つ持つ化学グラフのための列挙アルゴリズム)
- 作田政幸, A Study on Data Structures for A* Algorithms (A*アルゴリズムのためのデータ構造について)
- 清水雅章, Enumerating tree-like chemical graphs of path frequencies within Given upper and lower bounds (与えられた上下限内のパス頻度をもつ木状化学グラフの列挙)
- 高明姫, A study on practical speed-up techniques for A* algorithms(A*アルゴリズムに対する実用的高速化手法について)
- 石塚祐一郎, An exact algorithm for the score-maximizing Tsumego problem (地合最大化詰碁問題に対する厳密解法について)
- 今田友樹, Enumeration of Stereoisomers of Outerplanar Chemical Graphs Using Dynamic Programming(動的計画法を用いた外平面的化学グラフの立体異性体の列挙)
- 清水俊宏, Efficient Unranking Algorithms of Combinations(順位から組合せを生成する効率的なアルゴリズム)
- 庄冰冰, Generation of Rooted Outerplanar Graphs (根付き外平面グラフの列挙)
- 辻川貴哉, Orthogonal Drawings for Plane Graphs with Specified Rectangles and Line Width(矩形と線幅の指定された平面グラフの直行描画法)
- 山田和紀, Discretization and Approximation Schemes for Maximizing the Area Covered by Radius-Variable Disks Inside Simple Polygons (単純な多角形を容器とした円被覆問題に対する離散化と近似スキーム)
- 好本大児, An approach based on binary tree representations to global search in packing problem(充填問題に対する大域的探索における二分木表現に基づくアプローチ)
- 石田侑介, Improved algorithms for enumerating tree-like chemical graphs with given path frequency (パス頻度に基づく木状化合物列挙に対する改良型アルゴリズム)
- 平松正嗣, Approximating Objects with Spheres in Multi-sphere Scheme
- 金在成, A Study on Algorithms for a Covering Problem in Large-scale Networks(大規模ネットワークにおける被覆問題のアルゴリズムに関する研究)
- 青田裕史, Algorithms for Maximizing the Area Covered by Radius-variable Disks Inside Convex Polygons (凸多角形内で被覆面積を最大にする円の配置を求めるアルゴリズム)
- 荒堀洋平, A Branch and Bound Algorithm Based on Canonical Forms for the Strip Packing Problem (ストリップパッキング問題に対する標準形に基づいた分枝限定法)
- 小林義明, Studies on the Z3-connectivity of 5-edge-connected P5-free Graphs (5辺連結P5フリーグラフのZ3連結性に関する研究)
- 佐々木方太, Algorithms and Analysis for Optimal Beacon Placement in Large-scale Network (大規模ネットワークの最適ビーコン配置に対するアルゴリズムと解析)
- 三輪直樹, A study on the Degree-constrained Shortest Tree Problem for Large-scale Networks (大規模ネットワークに対する次数制約付き深さ最小木問題に関する研究)
- 大嶋達也, A landmark algorithm for the time-dependent shortest path problem(時間依存最短路問題に対するランドマークアルゴリズム)
- 大田駿介, An algorithm for generating stereoisomers of outerplanar chemical graphs(外平面的化学グラフの立体異性体を生成するアルゴリズム)
- 川口晃史,Drawings for Clustered Graphs with Specified Areas(面積付きクラスタグラフに対する描画法)
- 松本一輝,One-dimensional cutting stock problem with setup and open stack constraints(段取り替え数とオープンスタック数に制約を持つ1次元カッティングストック問題)
- 辛川誠吾,An Algorithm for Enumerating Labeled Trees under Degree and Label-Pair
- 剱持光俊,Exact Algorithms for the Strip Packing Problem with Guillotine Constraints
- Akira Komiya, A Scatter Search Algorithm for the Multi-Resource Generalized Quadratic Assignment
- 鳥居宏行,An Iterated Local Search Algorithm for the Dual Network Flow Problem with General Cost
- 藤原大樹,Enumerating Tree-Like Chemical Structures from Feature Vector
- 石川明洋,An Iterated Local Search Algorithm for the Multi-Resource Generalized Assignment Problem
with Flexible Assignment Cost
- 今道貴司,Packing Non-Convex Polygons by Iterated Local Search Based on Nonlinear Programming
- 江崎洋一,A Set Covering Approach for the Pickup and Delivery Problem
with General Constraints on Each Route
- 大西隆治,Approximating a Single Vehicle Scheduling for Processing the
Maximum Number of Jobs in a Straight Line
- 古賀祐一,Efficient Branch-and-Bound Algorithms for Weighted MAX-2-SAT
- 西原理,The Relation between Option Pricing and Optimization Problems
- 橋本英樹,An Iterated Local Search Algorithm for the Time-Dependent Vehicle
Routing Problem with Time Windows
- 福永拓郎,Approximation Algorithms for b-Edge Dominating Set Problem and Related Problems
- 森有功,Heuristic Algorithms for Packing Rectangles with Flexible Edge Length
- 市川浩也,Metaheuristics Algorithms for the Capacitated Square Cover Problem
- 久山修司,Two-Phase Heuristics for the Multi-Resource Capacitated Facility Location Problem
- 祖父江謙介,An Iterated Local Search Algorithm for Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problems with Convex Time Penalty Functions
- 辻弘貴,Preprocessing of Data by Weighting for Classifiers
- 福森匡英,Tabu Search Algorithms for the Quadratic Constraint Satisfaction Problem
- Local Search Algorithms for the Two Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem
- Formulation and Metaheuristic Algorithms for the Shift Scheduling Problem
- A Local Search Algorithm for the Generalized Quadratic Assignment Problem
- A Path-Relinking Approach for the Multi-Resource Generalized Assignment Problem
- LP-Based Heuristics for the Multi-Resource Capacitated Facility Location Problem
- Processing of Real World Data Sets for the Classification Problem
- The power indices for partially defined Boolean functions
- A Local Search Algorithm for the Multi-Resource Plant Location Problem
- Local Search Algorithms for the Capacitated Geometric Cover Problem
- The Complexity of the Minimum Maximal Matching Problem in Planar Graphs
- Local Search Heuristics for the Rectangle Packing Problem with General Spatial Costs
- A 20/9-Approximation Algorithm for the Minimum Weight 3-Connected Spanning Subgraph Problem
- Finding Sigmoid Patterns in Logical Analysis of Data
- Effective Local Search Algorithms for the Vehicle Routing Problem with General Time Windows
- Feature determination algorithms in the analysis of data
- Evaluation of the Parameterized Strategy of Soccer by Markov Chain